Polyform Suite of Standardized Licenses
The Acceptance, Fair Use, No Other Rights, Patent Defense, and No Liability sections are the same across all variations of the PolyForm Licenses
The Acceptance, Fair Use, No Other Rights, Patent Defense, and No Liability sections are the same across all variations of the PolyForm Licenses
In order to get any license under these terms, you must agree to them as both strict obligations and conditions to all your licenses.
Fair Use
You may have "fair use" rights for the software under the law. These terms do not limit them.
No Other Rights
These terms do not allow you to sublicense or transfer any of your licenses to anyone else, or prevent the licensor from granting licenses to anyone else. These terms do not imply any other licenses.
Patent Defense
If you make any written claim that the software infringes or contributes to infringement of any patent, your patent license for the software granted under these terms ends immediately. If your company makes such a claim, your patent license ends immediately for work on behalf of your company.
No Liability
As far as the law allows, the software comes as is, without any warranty or condition, and the licensor will not be liable to you for any damages arising out of these terms or the use or nature of the software, under any kind of legal claim.
PolyForm "Strict": permits only personal, non-commercial use.
Strict prohibits redistribution and forks.
PolyForm "Strict": permits only personal, non-commercial use.
Strict prohibits redistribution and forks.
Copyright License (Strict)
The licensor grants you a copyright license for the software to do everything you might do with the software that would otherwise infringe the licensor's copyright in it for any permitted purpose, other than distributing the software or making changes or new works based on the software.
PolyForm "NonCommercial" permits only personal, non-commerical use
PolyForm "NonCommercial" permits only personal, non-commerical use
Copyright License (Non-Commercial)
The licensor grants you a copyright license for the software to do everything you might do with the software that would otherwise infringe the licensor's copyright in it for any permitted purpose. However, you may only distribute the software according to Distribution License and make changes or new works based on the software according to Changes and New Works License.
Distribution License
The licensor grants you an additional copyright license to distribute copies of the software. Your license to distribute covers distributing the software with changes and new works permitted by Changes and New Works License.
Changes and New Works License
The licensor grants you an additional copyright license to make changes and new works based on the software for any permitted purpose.
You must ensure that anyone who gets a copy of any part of the software from you also gets a copy of these terms or the URL for them above, as well as copies of any plain-text lines beginning with `Required Notice:` that the licensor provided with the software. For example:
Required Notice: Copyright Yoyodyne, Inc. (http://example.com)
PolyForm "Perimeter" and "Shield" prohibit uses that compete with the software.
PolyForm "Perimeter" and "Shield" prohibit uses that compete with the software.
Any purpose is a permitted purpose, except for providing to others any product that competes with the software.
If you use this software to market a product as a substitute for the functionality or value of the software, it competes with the software. A product may compete regardless how it is designed or deployed. For example, a product may compete even if it provides its functionality via any kind of interface (including services, libraries or plug-ins), even if it is ported to a different platforms or programming languages, and even if it is provided free of charge.
PolyForm "Shield" prohibits use that compete with the provider of the software
PolyForm "Shield" prohibits use that compete with the provider of the software
Goods and services compete even when they provide functionality through different kinds of interfaces or for different technical platforms. Applications can compete with services, libraries with plugins, frameworks with development tools, and so on, even if they're written in different programming languages or for different computer architectures. Goods and services compete even when provided free of charge. If you market a product as a practical substitute for the software or another product, it definitely competes.
New Products
If you are using the software to provide a product that does not compete, but the licensor or any of its affiliates brings your product into competition by providing a new version of the software or another product using the software, you may continue using versions of the software available under these terms beforehand to provide your competing product, but not any later versions.
Discontinued Products
You may begin using the software to compete with a product or service that the licensor or any of its affiliates has stopped providing, unless the licensor includes a plain-text line beginning with `Licensor Line of Business:` with the software that mentions that line of business. For example:
Licensor Line of Business: YoyodyneCMS Content Management System (http://example.com/cms)
Sales of Business
If the licensor or any of its affiliates sells a line of business developing the software or using the software to provide a product, the buyer can also enforce (Noncompete
PolyForm "Free-Trial" permits a one month trial
PolyForm "Free-Trial" permits a one month trial
Free Trial
Use to evaluate whether the software suits a particular application for less than 32 consecutive calendar days, on behalf of you or your company, is use for a permitted purpose.
If you violate any of these terms, or do anything with the software not covered by your licenses, all your licenses end immediately.
PolyForm "Internal-Use" permits internal business use
PolyForm "Internal-Use" permits internal business use
Internal Business Use
Use of the software for the internal business operations of you and your company is use for a permitted purpose.
The first time you are notified in writing that you have violated any of these terms, or done anything with the software not covered by your licenses, your licenses can nonetheless continue if you come into full compliance with these terms, and take practical steps to correct past violations, within 32 days of receiving notice. Otherwise, all your licenses end immediately.
PolyForm "Small-Business" free use by companies under $1million/year and 100 employees
PolyForm "Small-Business" free use by companies under $1million/year and 100 employees
Small Business
Use of the software for the benefit of your company is use for a permitted purpose if your company has fewer than 100 total individuals working as employees and independent contractors, and less than 1,000,000 USD (2019) total revenue in the prior tax year. Adjust this revenue threshold for inflation according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics' consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, for all items, not seasonally adjusted, with 1982–1984=100 reference base.