Report Piracy

Checking your safety...
Instead of troublesome DRM, we rely on honor and will pay a cash reward to anyone who provides sufficient evidence of a Billion Dollar Business abusing the system.
Preview mode: We're working with our first few developers to finalize the process.
$750 pay-out
Instantly earn $750, additionally, earn 5% of lifetime net revenue for relevant license for that BDB.
Common Sense Terms & Conditions of OS$ whistleblower program
Anonymity is critical: Non-attribution is paramount.
We will pay you anonymously via Monero (XMR) or Zcash (ZEC)

OS$ will not willingly reveal information to identify, or be attributed to, you.

Do your part, and ensure the information you provide (and how you provide the information) will neither identify you, nor be attributable to you. Use Tor. Use a private email exclusively for this. Only use your pseudonym. Don't accidentally leak your identity, even to us.

Information that establishes the infringement of the OS Cash Paid License by a Billion Dollar Business. Consider if sufficient information is provided to indicate an infringement and generate a strong position from which to engage the Billion Dollar Business.

Drag & drop your files here...
You can upload any type of file: ZIP, DOC, JPG, whatever, via drag-and-drop, Max 1GB file size.

You can qualify for the whistleblower referral bonus if and when:

  1. You identify a program to OS$ through TOR that meets all of the following:
    1. Program is licensed under the OS$ family of licenses;
    2. You provide sufficient evidence that a Billion Dollar Business is using such program;
    3. Such use is in breach of the OS$ family of licenses;
  2. Obtaining and sharing such evidence has not violated any applicable laws;
  3. The bonus does not generate a negative balance to OS$ in relation to such program.

Provided the above criteria are met:

  1. You will promptly receive US$750.
  2. Once the Billion Dollar Business enters the OS$ Paid License, and remains compliant, then for your life you’ll receive five percent of OS$’s net remuneration for such program.

OS Cash, in its sole (and reasonable) discretion, shall interpret and apply these terms and conditions, which may be amended from time to time.