OS.Cash About Us

We are a small number of open-source developers that have also managed software-driven and tech-driven business units.

When our paths repeatedly crossed with Nestor Gounaris, a corporate and commercial council with over twenty years’ experience in Asia Pacific (and with over ten years experience teaching business law at several top ten US law schools) our visions quickly aligned.

Nestor, our founder, is a tri-lingual (including Greek and Mandarin), business-minded counsel with extensive experience handling complex matters across Asia Pacific for top-tier global law firms, ongoing business concerns and enterprises, and successful start-ups, as well as a NYSE-listed $2B multinational.

He possesses a proven record of delivering strategic business advice on sophisticated business and legal issues, delivering global legal management and business-minded solutions across non-U.S. jurisdictions (having lived and worked in five countries, managed legal teams in 10 different countries).

Nestor has been serving as an adjunct faculty teaching corporate and commercial Chinese law at four top tier law schools in the United States for over a decade, operates several different successful businesses, and has authored several publications on Chinese law and commerce. He was also recognized as an Academy of Educational Development Fellow.

Nestor received a J.D. from the University of Virginia, School of Law, and earned a B.A in Foreign Studies from the Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service, and is admitted to practice law in New York.

Please, do reach out if you would like to speak with, or meet with, Nestor or any other senior member of our team. You can email us, phone us, video chat with us on Signal, Telegram, Skype or Zoom, or even meet over lunch or drinks. Just contact us and we will follow up.
