
Is open-source supposed to be developers giving away free-software to Billion Dollar Businesses?

OS.Cash lets developers use the power of open-source while still protecting open-source developers.

OS.Cash is a turn-key solution for greater than full-time salary income, while code remains open and use remains totally free, except for Billion Dollar Businesses.

You’ve worked hard for years on your low-cost leader strategy. You’ve fixed bugs, added features, and improved your software. Now, Billion Dollar Businesses are using your open-source software (actually, enterprise software) for free!

Does that make sense to you? Is it what you want?

You have no obligation to gift zero price upgrades for eternity to Billion Dollar Businesses.

Require Billion Dollar Businesses to recognize your value. Our only fee is a small percentage of revenue we collect.

You already generate great value for Billion Dollar Businesses. You just haven’t made Billion Dollar Businesses recognize your value. That is what our turn-key solution does for you.

OS.Cash serves you, our client, by handling:

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