In a SAAS world, AGPL is probably the best free software license for developer rights

AGPL: If you provide the software as a service or distribute the software, you must share the code
The AGPL is the GPL3 with the addition of "Section 13: Remote Network Interaction"
If you want the official blessing of the FSF's free-software and an OpenSouce Initiative Approved License™, then the AGPL is the license that confers the most protection for your rights as the developer of the software. Additionally, you should require that any community created patches to your software be effectively placed in the public domain with a MIT-0 or 0BSD license, removing any ambiguity of the copyright status of those patches. Clearly defining the copyright status of patches is referred to as a CLA (Contributor License Agreement), and use something like CLA Assistant to ensure you get it for every new comitter.

Popular projects currently using the AGPL include:

Since you own the copyright for 100% of your own code, and all contributed code will be in the public domain, any organization that wants to re-use your product and adjust the source code will be inclined to purchase a license from you. You can license it under any terms you desire. You can use the OS$ Paid License as a template to get your commercial license started.